Tuesday 3 November 2015

Not to consume food, water... at night

  1. The germs and microbes are grow very fast  after the sunset. These microbes are invisible to the naked eye, get into our food. Consuming this kind of food will lead to killing of these germs and bacterias which in turn will lead to our ill health.
  2. When the sun is right above us, our digestive fire performs at its peak. The metabolism rate slows down during these hours as we do not indulge in any physical activity which helps in digestion. The food eaten at night time does not get properly digested.
Problems Face:

  • This leads to increase in weight as the undigested food gets stored in the form of fats.
  • its putrefaction in the body is harmful to health.
  • It also leads to foul smell in the breath, putrefaction of teeth, constipation, pain in knee joints and several diseases of the throat.
  • food being digested during your sleeping hours—and because of this, you may need to wake up to eliminate the waste products. which will increase urination and excretion needs

Experts Speaks : 
  • Some scientists also say that you should avoid food atleast 3-4 hours before sleeping, so that the food gets digested properly before sleeping.
  •  A recent research in Hong Kong proves that people eating food by early evening are less prone to heart diseases.
  • Research has found that the digestive process can have serious implications on your sleep cycle, causing you to wake up more often, and have a harder time falling asleep in the first place.
  • Indian Science of health has formulated a rule that after having taken food, one should drink little-little water many times. Eating food before sunset allows this practice naturally. 

Even, bees, sparrows, parrots, crows, pigeons and many other kinds of birds don’t eat after sunset.

Other Religious Belief:
-The person who drinks alcohol, meat, eats after sunset and consumes vegetables grown under the ground; any kind of pilgrimage, prayers and any kind of rites performed by such kind of a person bears no fruit.
- Mahabharat (Rishishvarbharat)
- The soul which eats after sunset even in the monsoons, the sins committed by him cannot be purified even if he does thousands of the “Chandrayantap”.
- Rishishvarbharat (Vaidikdarshan)
- The soul which eats before sunset and especially in the monsoon abdicates eating after sunset; that person gets whatever he desires in this life as well as the next life.
- Yogvashisht Purvaghshlo 108
- In the Markandpuran, it is said that after sunset drinking water is equivalent to drinking blood & eating food to eating meat.
- Markandrishi
- The optimum daily routine for a man is to avoid eating at night since the fire required to digest the food is very weak during that period.
– Charaksanhita & Ashtanga Sangraha
- In the ancient scriptures of the Hindus, it is said that, “चत्वारि नरक्द्वाराणि प्रथमं रात्रिभोजनम्” which means eating at night is the first doorway to hell.